With the All Source AI under their control, the Rogue Knight unleashed an AI invasion upon Portia, hurled the Wishing Tree towards the Portia School, and destroyed Central Plaza's gate. Having discovered the Locator Computer used to located the All Source AI, the Sky Sharks assumed the role of the Council Guards and sent the Rogue Knight, Everglade, under the guise as Ursula, and her team to Portia to retrieve and take over the All Source AI. The Portia Museum also opened its doors, led by Research Center director Merlin.
A neighboring town called South Block was built with the help of A&G Construction to serve as a resting place for travelers arriving from Sandrock through the Eufaula Tunnel. Over the course of the years, Portia had seen some development, creating its own political office and government, school, Research Center, clinic, and several shops and residential homes.Īfter the arrival of the player from their hometown of Barnarock, Portia began thriving, with new structures and access to several new areas previously inaccessible on foot.